A New Challenge Born from Kururi's Renowned Waters and Tradition: The Story website of Boso Whisky千葉県内でも有数の名水の里として知られる久留里。この地域は、豊かな自然に囲まれた環境の中で、昔から人々に愛されてきました。その魅力の一つが、全国的にも名高い水質の良さで
A New Challenge Born from Kururi's Renowned Waters and Tradition: The Story website of Boso Whisky千葉県内でも有数の名水の里として知られる久留里。この地域は、豊かな自然に囲まれた環境の中で、昔から人々に愛されてきました。その魅力の一つが、全国的にも名高い水質の良さで
As one of the most notable regions in Chiba Prefecture for its abundant water sources, Kururi has long been cherished by people for its rich natural environment. One of the most renowned features of this area is its water quality, which has been selected as one of the "Heisei Famous Waters Top 100" in Japan. This pristine water serves as the founda
치바현 내에서도 유수의 명수의 고장으로 알려진 구루리. 이 지역은 풍요로운 자연에 둘러싸인 환경 속에서 오래전부터 사람들에게 사랑받아 왔습니다. 그 매력 중 하나는 전국적으로도 유명한 수질의 우수함이며, 구루리의 물은 "헤이세이 명수 백선"에도 선정될